FAQ: Stallion Share vs. Breeding Right

We often get asked – “what’s the difference between Stallion Share vs. Breeding Right?”

Here’s the answer to the Frequently Asked Question –


Let’s explore Alpine Edge as the example –

Alpine Edge is broken up or syndicated into forty shares. One share equates to 1/40th (2.5%) ownership in Alpine Edge. In addition, one share entitles the owner, two (2) nominations to Alpine Edge per year for the lifetime of the stallion. A share in Alpine Edge will also give the owner voting rights, dividend entitlements in the net profit of any nominations sold to other breeders.

In summary –

  • An ownership share in Alpine Edge
  • Two nominations every year for the life of the stallion (free return available)
  • Voting rights including input to the Management Committee in setting the service fee
  • Share in net profit from sales of services
  • Enjoy any capital gains that accrue when Alpine Edge is successful.

HOOFNOTE: Alpine Edge shares are being sold at $15,000 (no GST).



A lifetime breeding right to a stallion generally entitles the purchaser a single nomination to the stallion, for the lifetime of the stallion. There is no ownership in the stallion, no voting rights and no dividends or capital gain.

In summary –

  • One nomination to the stallion

x No stallion ownership

x No voting rights

x No say where stallion stands or if he shuttles

x No share of profits.